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عرض المشاركات من مارس, ٢٠٢٤

A small city living in complete darkness

  A small city living in complete darkness There was a small town living in complete darkness. There was no light to spread joy in its streets or illuminate the hearts of its people. People in the city have lived for many years living their lives with a sense of despair and depression. In this difficult time, there was a young man named Muhammad. Muhammad was a creative and courageous young man who believed in the power of the written word and its ability to change the world. He had only one dream: to bring joy and hope back to his city. Muhammad began writing a novel called “Light of Hope.” The novel told the story of a young boy living in a dark city, very similar to Muhammad's reality. The boy is presented in the novel on a brave journey to restore the lost light and happiness of his city. While Muhammad wrote, he faced many challenges and obstacles. There were people who made fun of him and belittled his writing abilities. However, Muhammad did not give up and remained committe

International Women's Day: Honoring the strength and inspiration of women

  International Women's Day: Honoring the strength and inspiration of women International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8 of each year, an honorary occasion that celebrates women's contributions to society and raises awareness of the obstacles they face in their pursuit of equality and justice. This day is an opportunity to celebrate the successes achieved by women in multiple fields, and to emphasize the necessity of achieving gender equality in all aspects of life. The roots of International Women's Day go back to the early twentieth century, when women around the world witnessed a boom in the movement to demand their rights and equality. In 1908, women in New York organized a demonstration for women's rights, which is considered one of the key events that led to the declaration of International Women's Day. In 1910, at a conference in Copenhagen, German socialist activist Clara Zetkin proposed this day to emphasize international solidarity among women in